
Trifolium alexandrinum L.

A mid-late berseem clover, suitable for pasture, fodder or green manure

  • Erect-ascendant
  • Excellent frost and fungal infections tolerance
  • Good resistance to frost and plant diseases
  • Leafy, in optimal irrigation conditions can obtain different cuts of fresh forage with high nutritional value
  • Well-known forage legume, adaptable to different climates and soils
  • Erect plants with thin, hollow, branching stems
  • Plant height – 60-80 cm
  • Develops quickly
  • Re-grows very quickly
  • Produces a lot of biomass
  • Possible yields of green mass – 25-50 t/ha, depending on growth conditions, moisture regime
  • In well-irrigated soils and in favourable conditions, it is possible to obtain 3-4 harvests of green mass, 7-10 t/ha dry mass yield, in drier soils – 2-3 cuts, 4-6 t/ha dry mass yield
  • Flowers – pale yellow/white/creamy, oval/cone-shaped, ~ 2 cm in diameter
  • Each pod contains 1-2 seeds
  • Possible seed yields – up to 1200 kg/ha
  • Seeds – oval
  • The colour of the seeds is from yellow to red-brown
  • Weight of 1000 seeds – 2.9-3.3 g
  • Adapts well to both cold and hot climate growing conditions
  • Resistant to fungal diseases
  • Resistant to drought and heat
  • Tolerates frost
  • Frozen at -5 °C / -10 °C
  • Good feed quality (high protein), good digestibility
  • The nutritional value of forage is comparable to that of alfalfa forage
  • Excellent alternative to alfalfa in dry soils
  • Prefers deep fertile moist soil
  • Tolerates waterlogged soils
  • Tolerates more acidic or saline soils (pH 6.0 to 8.5)
  • Can be grown alone or in mixtures with other fodder grasses (clover, oats, Italian ryegrass)
  • Medium resistant to trampling (grazing)
  • Fixes nitrogen
  • Thanks to the well-developed root system, this type of clover can be grown for green manure, especially is well-suited for cultivation before wheat cultivation (or between wheat cultivation)
  • Suitable for sowing with cruciferous plants in green manure mixtures (due to the similar weight of 1000 seeds)
The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 12-15 kg/ha

Recommended sowing rate when growing for green manure: 15-20 kg/ha