

Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum Wittm

A mid-early diploid annual ryegrass with very rapid growth and development after sowing, for frequent cutting

  • Fast growth rate
  • High mass yields, up to 4 cuts
  • Frost-resistant during mild winters, but 2nd year yield is low
  • Good growth in mixtures (with Persian clover)
  • Resistant to lodging and diseases
  • Will provide a seed head in the same year of sowing

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: for pure crop – 22-27 kg/ha, in mixtures with annual clover – 12-20 kg/ha

Recommended sowing rate when growing for green manure: 25-30 kg/ha kg/ha