
Medicago sativa L.

High yielding alfalfa with a high-quality forage with a high leaves/stems ratio

  • Very high production potential
  • Suited for a frequent cut management
  • Very fast regrowth after each cutting
  • Very early start up after winter
  • High content in digestible proteins
  • Good winterhardiness
  • Adapted to a very extended cultivation area

The advantages of coated seeds:

  • Allows more precisely to incorporate small size seeds with low sowing rate
  • Protect seed from mechanic stress caused by sowing machines
  • Protect seed from birds and insects - in fact coating components are not toxic but they don’t even attract them
  • The extra-resistance of the coating avoids dust leakage and dust accumulation in the sowing machine
  • Have less hard-seed content which means higher immediate germination percentage on the establishment of crop

The advantages of inoculated seeds:

  • Rapid and safe establishment of the plant
  • Plants have at their disposal high quantities of nitrogen fixed by the Rihizobia
  • Saving in fertilization
  • More productive plants
  • High quality forage with maximum protein content in the plant

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 20-25 kg/ha, depth 0.5-1.0 cm

Recommended sowing rate when growing for green manure: 20-25 kg/ha