

Trifolium resupinatum L.

A mid-early, high-yielding, fast-growing annual Persian clover for feeding, hay, and green manure

  • Time of flowering: medium
  • Very good regrowth after grazing
  • Good cold tolerance
  • Very good feed value
  • High content of protein and minerals
  • Low amount of crude fiber
  • Low amount of dry matter
  • Flowering – medium early
  • Erect plants with thin, hollow and branched stems
  • Stem hollow, branched
  • The height can reach about 80-150 cm
  • The plants are large, grow lush foliage, and bloom for a long time
  • Shoots grow very quickly
  • Can be cut several times
  • Very good regrowth after grazing
  • Pink to purple flowers with a very characteristic odor
  • The seeds come in different colours
  • 1000 seeds weight – 1.25-1.70 g
  • Adapts to a variety of soils except sandy or acidic soils
  • Adapts well to light and clay soils
  • In our climatic conditions, as an annual plant, it is suitable for growing in fertile, well-irrigated soils
  • Likes warm, humid weather
  • Tolerates short-term flooding, moisture
  • Susceptible to drought
  • Very good nutritional value
  • High in protein and minerals
  • Low dry matter
  • Low in green fiber
  • Mostly grown for fodder production, but can also be grown for hay
  • Grown pure or in mixtures for fodder production
  • Used ss a soil improving plant in crop rotation
  • Perfect for cultivation and soil improvement as a green manure, both alone and in this type of mixture with other nitrogen-fixing and soil-improving plants

The advantages of coated seeds:

  • Allows more precisely to incorporate small size seeds with low sowing rate
  • Protect seed from mechanic stress caused by sowing machines
  • Protect seed from birds and insects - in fact coating components are not toxic but they don’t even attract them
  • The extra-resistance of the coating avoids dust leakage and dust accumulation in the sowing machine
  • Have less hard-seed content which means higher immediate germination percentage on the establishment of crop

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 12-15 kg/ha

Recommended sowing rate when growing for green manure: 15-20 kg/ha