
Sorghum and Sudan Grass hybrid ADVANCE GRAZER

Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense L.

Hybrid for high productivity and fast regrowth

  • Hybrid of intensive growth, 2-3 qualitative yields could be usually obtained
  • Rapid growth even in unfavourable climatic conditions
  • Plants are undemanding for moisture, high resistance to drought
  • A developed and deep root system ensures a stable harvest
  • High-quality feed with high nutritional value is prepared
  • Silage or hay is rich in protein and digestible carbohydrates
  • Grows in a variety of soils, from light sandy to heavy clay
  • Best suited and developed in drained areas
  • Less susceptible to leaf diseases (rusts, spotting)

Growing and care recommendations:

  • Take good care of soil preparation before sowing
  • Sow in soil that has warmed up to 15 °C
  • Fertilization depends on yield and soil potential, about 70-80 kg/ha N at sowing or at 3-4 leaf stage and 30-40 kg/ha N after each harvest


Hybrids can accumulate toxic substances in the early stages of development. To avoid exposure to these substances, avoid: mowing at an early stage of growth, abundant fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers. Start grazing when the plants reach a height of 40-50 cm. Also, the amount of toxic compounds can be increased by long-term drought, sudden temperature fluctuations or frost.

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 30 kg/ha