Berseem clover (annual) ALEX

Trifolium alexandrinum L.

A medium early/late berseem clover, suitable for pasture, fodder or green manure

  • Vigorous and rapid growth
  • Big production of green matter for forage reserve or green manure
  • Digestible and nutrient forage
  • Intensive grazing tolerant
  • Time of flowering: medium-early
  • Erect plants with thin, hollow, branching stems
  • Large yields of green mass for fodder or green manure
  • Develops quickly
  • Very fast recovery (in good conditions within 28 days)
  • The plants are tall
  • Plant height – 30-60 cm
  • Drought resistant
  • Resistant to diseases
  • Moderately low frost resistance
  • Flowering time – medium early
  • Flowers – whitish, oval/cone-shaped, ~ 2 cm in diameter
  • Each pod contains 1-2 seeds
  • Seeds – oval
  • The colour of the seeds is from yellow to red-brown
  • 1000 seeds weight – 3.3 g
  • High protein content
  • Excellent feed quality, good digestibility
  • Used for grazing, silage, hay
  • Tolerates intensive grazing
  • Harvest at the beginning of flowering
  • Tolerates more acidic or saline soils (with a pH of 6.0 to 8.5), but grows best at a pH above 6.5
  • Grows well in clay soils but also in moderately loose or light soils as long as they are not acidic
  • Tolerates waterlogged soils
  • Tolerates high groundwater
  • Likes sunny places
  • Possible fertilization 100 kg/ha P2O5, 80 kg/ha K2O
  • When growing for green manure, suppresses weeds well, fixes nitrogen, and improves soil fertility
  • Yield of the 1st harvest – 6.3 points
  • Total yield – 5.5 points
  • Overall view – 3.3 points
  • Crop establishment – 4.4 points
  • Competitiveness – 5.2 points
  • Persistence – 5.0 points
  • Resistance to anthracnose – 4.4 points
  • Amount of dry matter – 6.0 points
  • Overall index – 4.97 points

*Source: Egyptian clover variety test results 2010-2012. AGROSCOPE in Switzerland. Frick R., Mosimann E., Philippe Aebi1 Ph., Daniel Suter Hansueli Hirschi2 Essais de variétés de trèfle d’Alexandrie et de trèfle Incarnat. Recherche Agronomique Suisse 4 (6): 296–301, 2013. Ratings: 1 = very high, very good; 5 = medium; 9 = very weak, very bad

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 12-15 kg/ha

Recommended sowing rate when growing for green manure: 15-20 kg/ha