Fodder pea ARKTA (alternative)

Pisum sativum L.

An early full-leaf winter (alternative) pea for early spring harvest

  • Facultative variety
  • Rapid spring development
  • High yield of green and dry mass and proteins
  • Long stems
  • Good health
  • Low thousand seeds weight = good seed economy
  • Early spring harvest for qualitative fodder
  • Good over winter survival
  • Suitable for legume-grain mixtures as well as monoculture


  • For sowing in autumn, but can also be sown in spring
  • Seed yield potential – 2-3 t/ha
  • Rapid spring growth
  • High yield of green and dry matter and crude protein
  • Stem – long (150-180 cm)
  • Leafy
  • Very resistant to lodging
  • Excellent winter hardiness
  • Flowers – red-purple, grains – coloured (brown-green)
  • Pods – from the middle of stem
  • 1000 grain weight – 100-140 g (small, it means lower sowing costs)
  • Suitable for mixtures with cereals (winter rye or triticale (20-40 seeds/m² of pea and up to 200 seeds/m² of cereals) (75 kg/ha winter triticale and 75 kg/ha Arkta)
  • Could be cultivated pure, supporting plants are not necessary
  • Qualitative feed in early spring
  • Very good forecrop

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate when growing for feed or green manure: 120-150 kg/ha, when growing in pure crop. When growing in mixture with cereals: 75–100 kg/ha of cereals + 75–100 kg/ha of winter pea ARKTA.